Listen sonny-me-lad, poetry isn't as easy as it seems...
So, you feeling that poetic strain,
Emotions oozing out your pores.
Rhyme and rhythm pulsing in your veins,
you want to write till your hand's sore.
Well, stop and think a little bit,
This ain't some two bit prose.
This is a higher form of art, kid,
You absolutely can't be coarse.
You need to keep your syllables and words
Flowing steady, and in check.
You can't just up and write a verse;
That's recipe for a wreck!
Keep your rhyme stable and clean,
You ain't no Shelley.
Your thoughts got to fit in a nice scheme,
They can't just spill willy-nilly.
Think about your poetic style,
Are you going long form or short?
Are you writing Iambic or Dactyl,
Or just a ballad of sorts?
So stop, wait a minute and think,
Before you put pen to paper,
Or the ship of your talent will sink,
Even before the form appears!